Susanna Hill’s Thanksgiving Contest

They were supposed to go to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving, but the blizzard came in fast.  The wind howled.  The tree creaked.

Papa stockpiled wood inside the burrow.  He stomped his feet and bolted the door.

Papa looked at his shivering brood of three.  “I know you are disappointed, but we are safer in our burrow.”

“What about Grandma’s acorn pie, ” asked Sammy.  His pudgy cheeks quivered and is large glossy eyes brimmed with tears.

“We have plenty of nuts, berries, fruit, seeds and grains to feast upon,” said Mama.  “Why don’t you do your chores.  Be thankful that we’re together.”

Sammy, Teddy and Rose tidied up their nests and swept the burrow.  Sammy wondered what they could do to make Thanksgiving special.

Then Sammy spied a twig resting against the wall inside the burrow.

“Hey Teddy and Rose, I have an idea,” said Sammy.  The three siblings huddled and whispered.  Rose jumped up and down.   The rest of the morning they worked in a corner of the burrow on their idea.

Mama worked all morning preparing their feast.  Papa tended to the fire so that the burrow remained warm.

Sammy carefully placed their centerpiece on the table.

“It’s beautiful!”  Mama gasped.

“It’s our thankful tree,” beamed Sammy.  Tied to the branches were acorns, pine cones, and dried leaves bearing the names, Mama, Papa, Grandma, Sammy, Teddy and Rose.

They heard a rustle in the tunnel and a voice called out,  “Acorn pie anyone?”

“Grandma,”  they chirped.  “We’re thankful you’re here!”

Susanna Leonard Hill is sponsoring a Thanksgiving Writing Contest.  Here are the rules: Post your 250 (or fewer) word kids’ Thanksgiving story, beginning with “They were supposed to go to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving, but the blizzard came in fast…” and add your link to the link list.  The last day to submit is November 24th!  Add your own entry at


Copyright (c) 2011,  Patricia Howe Tilton, All Rights Reserved

About Patricia Tiltonhttps://childrensbooksheal.wordpress.comI want "Children's Books Heal" to be a resource for parents, grandparents, teachers and school counselors. My goal is to share books on a wide range of topics that have a healing impact on children who are facing challenges in their lives. If you are looking for good books on grief, autism, visual and hearing impairments, special needs, diversity, bullying, military families and social justice issues, you've come to the right place. I also share books that encourage art, imagination and creativity. I am always searching for those special gems to share with you. If you have a suggestion, please let me know.

31 thoughts on “Susanna Hill’s Thanksgiving Contest

  1. Pat, this is fantastic! I love it! It’s so fun to see how everyone starts in the same place and comes up with such wonderful, creative stories 🙂 Thanks for joining the fun!


    • Erik, thank you for leaving a comment on my story. I’ve never written about animals before, and for some reason I saw this story as an animal story. You never know what will inspire you! I enjoyed reading yours very much. You write so well! — Pat


  2. Pat, your story showed genuine warmth and family love, which for me is always what Thanksgiving is about. The ending made me a bit teary-eyed – but I loved it – because when the storm is too bad for the family car to venture out, leave it to a tough and resourceful older woman to figure out a way through! Her priorities are definitely in order!

    I’ve also enjoyed browsing the rest of your blog – terrific book reviews. I’ll be back! 🙂


  3. Great story, Patricia. While I wait for the bird to bake and family to arrive thought I’d stop in and see what you “cooked up”. Love it. Gives me more ideas of what to be thankful for today.
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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