Kreativ Blogger Award

I have been blessed in two days to receive two awards twice.  Both Erik at  This Kid Reviews Books  and Kelly Korenek at Land of the Librarian , have awarded me the Kreativ Blogger Award.   Thank you Erik for your kind words about what you’ve learned from my blog.  Your blog has been very significant to me and I’ve learned that there is a lot of hope for our global community with young people like you.   You are so socially conscious, filled with compassion and eager to learn as much as you can about the world you live in.  Keep up the great work!  Kelly I eagerly watch for your picture book selections during the week.  You have such a wonderful eye for what kids like.  And, I am very moved by the very special things you do for the kids in your classroom.  They are so lucky to have you as their teacher!

The rules for this award are to list 10 things about myself and award the blog to six other deserving bloggers.

Ten Things About Me (You may or may not know)

1.  I want Strawberry-Rhubarb pie on my birthday.

2.  My astrological sign is Taurus.

3.  My favorite adult fiction novel is “Winter Garden,” by Kristin Hannah;  nonfiction book is “Stones into Schools,” by Greg Mortenson;  and spiritual book is “Defy Gravity” by Caroline Myss.

4.  I began studying piano at age seven, and seriously thought about pursuing music in college.

5.  My favorite musical performers are Elaine Paige, Sarah Brightman, Andrea Bocelli, Placido Domingo and Renee Flemming.

6.  I worked for Kenley Players, summer stock musical theater, during my high school and college summers;  I met a lot of stars.

7.  I am a preacher’s wife, but I also am ordained.

8.  I  was a figure skater  in my youth and college years.  During the campus riots of 1970, I worked out at the OSU ice rink  when I couldn’t get to classes because of smoke bombs.

9.  I spent two weeks in silence and community service in Brazil at beautiful, but simple spiritual retreat and healing center.   I really learned a lot about what is important in life.  I even learned to befriend a very large lizard that lived in my room.

10.  My favorite movie is “Good-bye Mr. Chips,” (1970) with Peter O’Toole and Petula Clark.  They don’t make productions like that anymore.

I have selected the following six bloggers to receive the Kreativ Blogger Award because I have found their blogs unique, inspirational, and educational.  They have each spoke to me in different ways.   I hope you visit their blogs.

Ms Saba at Of Thoughts and Words

Ruth Schiffmann at  inluvwithwords

Jackie Castle  at The Castle Library

Tasha  Seegmiller

Amanda at Born Bookish

Jodi at Growing Book by Book

About Patricia Tiltonhttps://childrensbooksheal.wordpress.comI want "Children's Books Heal" to be a resource for parents, grandparents, teachers and school counselors. My goal is to share books on a wide range of topics that have a healing impact on children who are facing challenges in their lives. If you are looking for good books on grief, autism, visual and hearing impairments, special needs, diversity, bullying, military families and social justice issues, you've come to the right place. I also share books that encourage art, imagination and creativity. I am always searching for those special gems to share with you. If you have a suggestion, please let me know.

30 thoughts on “Kreativ Blogger Award

    • Erik, if you have roots in Ohio, you have to try strawberry-rhubarb pie. I live in Ohio. My dad grew it in the gardens. I was born under the zodiac sign of Taurus — the sign of the bull. My husband might say I have a stubborn streak in me — but I say I see the beauty of life.

      No, I was out in the middle of no where and there were lizzards everywhere. They weren’t pets. I had a huge one that stayed in the ceiling of my bathroom, and came down when I was asleep, and then there were little babies always running around. There were big spaces under the outside of the doors, so they snuck in at night. This was not a trip about comfort — but rather about learning to be comfortable with one’s self.

      I graduated from OSU. My husband’s older daughter is the nutritionist for the OSU Athletic Department and football team. Our teen grandsons think that’s pretty cool. My husband and I also adopted a daughter from NE Ohio, and an older son from India. We have lots in common.


      • Strawberry-rhubarb pie is on my list! OH that’s what a Taurian is! I don’t know too much about astrology except for that I’m a Capricorn. I didn’t think of a football team needing a nutritionist. Your husband’s daughter has a COOL job! It’s also cool that you graduated from OSU!
        We DO have a lot in common! 🙂


      • Erik, wait until spring – May. Mabe your mom will make one for the family. Or if there is a specialty bakery near by, you might be able to order one. Yes, we do have a lot in common. When’s your next newspaper book review?


      • My Mom makes great pies (peach is my favorite)! She said she never made a strawberry-rhubarb one though (but she will 🙂 ). I just had my second article come out Feb 1. Its on page 14. Here’s the newspaper site . I should post it on my blog! I didn’t think about that and I think I’ll post it tomorrow 🙂


      • Erik, thanks for sharing the book review site. I enjoyed your book review of “Rachel Spinelli Punched Me in the Face<" and your interview with author Paul Acampora. Do they let you select the books, as I didn't sense this was a book you would read. If you mother bakes a strawberry-rhubarb pie, let me know what you think.


      • Yes I do get to pick the books I review and actually I had posted the Rachel Spinelli review on my blog last October. I am tring to pick local authors and events because it is a local paper. The editor of the paper didn’t mind me re-using the review and I added an interview with Mr. Acampora for the newspaper. There is a funny thing about the book. My mom got it for me to read and after I was done she asked me if I liked it and I said “Yes, a lot!” Then she said “I was sure you wouldn’t!” Then my mom explained that she tried to get a book I wouldn’t like because all the reivews I was writing were for books I REALLY liked and she thought it would be a challenge to write a review of a book I didn’t like. It is a really good story! 🙂


      • That’s great the paper let’s you pick the books you review. I know publishers used to send out copies of books to major paper to be reviewed. Probably doesn’t happen as much anymore. Funny about your Mom — glad she challenges you! Because of the nature of my blog, I try to handpick each book I review for it message for kids with special needs and their families.


  1. Patricia, thank you so much for selecting me and Growing Book by Book for this award. It’s my first award! I’m so glad that you have found my posts beneficial. I also appreciate all the kind feedback you have left on my blog. I’m learning lots from you too. Best wishes!


  2. Congratulations, Pat! To those who have…more is given! In your case, it should be: to those who give…more is given!
    You are a very special lady…I love that you have gotten these awards because we are learning so much about you!
    I plan to visit all the people who received both awards from you…and hope to post my response to the Liebster Award later tonight. 🙂


    • Thank you so much Vivian. I hope you have fun writing your answers and selecting recipients. I am on overload a bit — people are going to get a bit weary reading two blogs back-to-back. But, I appreciate their thoughtfulness.


  3. Now these were ten interesting facts, Pat. I am glad you gave us a glimpse into what has made you so compassionate and concerned about those with greater challenges than many in life. Your blog is very unique and that’s what draws me back again and again. I suspect we could all learn a lot from a silent retreat! Two weeks is a long time! Thank you for sharing with us.


    • Joanna, thank you. I think that everyone can benefit from a silent retreat — you learn so much about yourself. You don’t need to do two weeks — a weekend is a great way to start. It gave me clarity and I knew where my focus needed to be at that time. Your comments are always thoughtful. – Pat


  4. Oh Pat – for the first time we disagree! Rhubarb is actually poisonous. I pointed that out to my mother each time she created a strawberry rhubarb pie for the family. They are also fond of a pinkish compote called “stewed rhubarb” which smells wonderful, but again – poisonous!

    I do know it is only the leaves that one cannot eat, but I have never developed a love for the stuff that grows, unbidden and in huge quantities!

    Congratulations on your latest award. I am sure I could not have coherently processed 15 unique things about myself in one week. Great job!


    • Cathy, I will still always enjoy a Rhubarb pie once a year. I had heard the leaves are poisonous. I have been eating them since a child. My grandfather used to eat stewed rhubarb on his toast. To tell you the truth, I was overwhelmed when I received the second award yesterday. It wasn’t easy. – Pat


  5. I don’t know why, but I already pictured you as a musician. I guess it’s in your genes 😉 And I can’t believe I haven’t seen that movie because I LOVE Peter O’Toole. Defiantly going to check it out now!


    • Jenny, Warner Brother released the movie on DVD in 2009 on Amazon. I love all music, but was classically trained. And spent a lot of years involved with musical theater. Funny you saw it in me. I rarely talk about it. — Pat


  6. Thanks for sharing all this about your self, Pat. It is so good to get to *know* you better. I love learning about what makes you so compassionate and full of passion for the picture book world and people less fortunate then yourself.

    You are truly a beautiful person and I value your blogs and comments on my blog.

    I haven’t seen Mr. Chips but it seems like I should now just to see what makes it so special. 😉


    • Thanks Clar. I truly feel naked after having to list 5 and then 10 things about myself that people don’t know. I’m not usually this personal and I’ve tried to keep it out of my blog because of my focus. Oh well. Good-bye Mr. Chips just happens to be a favorite of mine because of the story, the big orchestra at the beginning, and the musical aspect of it — not to mention Peter O’Toole and Petula Clark are favorites. It was set at a private boys schools in London during the war. I just happen to love it.


    • Leigh, thank you for you sweet comments. I just have some years on you, a lot of experiences, and a tad bit of wisdom. The secret to making a strawberry-rhubarb pie is to add a small package of strawberry jello to it when you make it. It helps cut the tartness. I have a friend who makes home made pies and now I let her make me one every year. My mom’s were the best.


  7. Hi Patricia, I found your lovely blog through Erik’s, and I’m thrilled to be following your picture book reviews. I love reading children’s books (PBs and MGs especially) with themes on special needs, Courage, self-discovery etc. Congrats on receiving the award, I’m happy to see you’ve passed it to Ruth (a wonderful blogger)!

    Take care,


  8. Congratulations on the award, Pat. And thanks so much for thinking of me when passing it on!

    It’s so neat to be able to learn more about you from these facts you’ve shared. I love watching ice skating. It always amazes me how effortless the skaters make it look, even though I know it’s a lot of hard work.

    I’ve never had strawberry-rhubarb pie, but I keep meaning to try it.

    At your recommendation, I’ve put a request in with my library for “Defy Gravity.” Sounds promising.


    • Ruth, I thought of you right away. I love your inspirational blog — that’s where my heart is. I studied with Caroline Myss for several years, but have read her books since about 1995. She’s very spiritual, a fantastic teacher, a historian and has her doctorate in divinity. And, she began as a journalist. Defy Gravity, for me is a culmination of many years of work. It can be heavy — but a book that you read and contemplate. I am a member of her Salon. You can go to her website and get a sense of her.


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