Liebster Blog Award

Thank you to my Kidlit friends, Loni Edwards and Diane Tulloch, who awarded me the Liebster Blog Award.  Just click on their names to visit her interesting and informative blogs.  Loni is a very creative illustrator and I enjoy her artwork!  Diane I met over a year ago through The Children’s Book Hub a year ago and attended an SCBWI LA conference in 2011.  Both Loni  and Diane are part of the Perfect Picture Book Friday group as well as members of the 12×12 in 2012 group.  I have enjoyed my interaction with both Loni and Diane.

Liebster  is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The  idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have  less than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to their wonderful blogs!”

I am required to thank the giver, add the award to my blog, list five things about myself people don’t know, and select five bloggers I want to give a Liebster Blog Award.

Five Things About Me: (You may or may not know)

1.  I was a grandmother before I was a mother.  Our daughter was born 6 weeks after our first grandson.

2.  I interviewed Barbara Walters in March 1971 when she did the commencement address at Ohio State University.   I was one of two reporters granted an interview.  (She was very gracious and kind to me.)

3.  I am a peacemaker and have helped create exhibits at the Dayton International Peace Museum.

4.  I founded a national support and information organization for individuals with eating disorders in 1977.  It merged eventually with another organization and is excelling today.  In 1996 I was awarded a humanitarian award from the National Academy of Eating Disorders for my pioneering work.

5.  I am passionate about the opera and hope I am an opera singer in my next life.

These are the five blogs I want to honor with the Liebster Award.  I hope you stop by and visit their sites:

Cathy Mealey  at bildebok

Darshana at Flowering Minds

Vivian Kirkfield  at Positive Parental Participation

MaryHelen  at Books Savors

Laura Boffa at Write Away

About Patricia Tiltonhttps://childrensbooksheal.wordpress.comI want "Children's Books Heal" to be a resource for parents, grandparents, teachers and school counselors. My goal is to share books on a wide range of topics that have a healing impact on children who are facing challenges in their lives. If you are looking for good books on grief, autism, visual and hearing impairments, special needs, diversity, bullying, military families and social justice issues, you've come to the right place. I also share books that encourage art, imagination and creativity. I am always searching for those special gems to share with you. If you have a suggestion, please let me know.

38 thoughts on “Liebster Blog Award

  1. You have truly led a fascinating and wide-ranging life as a journalist and as a person. Thank you for sharing more of yourself in this post. (And congratulations on your Liebster Award!)


  2. Congrats! I am very new to the blogging world, but congrats on the Liebster award! I enjoyed reading your post on Freedom Song and hope to pick it up sometime soon.


  3. Pat…
    What can I say! I know that YOU deserve the award…congratulations! And I’m humbled and honored that you passed it along to me. 🙂 Just for the record, my last name is Kirkfield, not Kirkwood…but perhaps I should change it because EVERYONE calls me that or Kirkland. 🙂
    I’m thrilled to be in the company of all of these lovers (and writers) of picture books in Susannah’s PPBF and Julie’s 12 x 12. Hurray!!!!


    • You are welcome. Horror! I knew your name and had it right when I copied everything. I had spacing problems, and had to manually reenter names. Correction made. I selected some of the newer blogs I’ve been following because I have been impressed with the quality and subject matter. Your blog was one of them. I am glad you are pleased. – Pat


  4. Congrats on the award – muchly deserved 🙂 Loved your 5 facts – what wonderful things you have done, and I can’t even figure out the math on that grandmother before mother thing 🙂 Great choice of blogs to pass on to – they’re all wonderful!


  5. Congrats Pat, so nice to see so many of our friends getting awards right now. You are all so wonderful. You have very interesting facts, nice to get to know you better Pat. Have a lovely day.


  6. Congrats on the award Pat. You are such an amazing woman. The only one that even surprises me is #1! Seriously – you’ll have to do a post on that one day. Very cool! I love getting to know you more. You do so many amazing things. 🙂


  7. Pat,
    Congratulations, and thanks so much for passing on the award to me! I certainly appreciate it. I loved reading your 5 facts – you’ve done some truly amazing things!


  8. Pingback: My Liebster | Laura Boffa: Write of Way

  9. Congratulations, Pat! It’s nice to meet you. Wow, you have done some wonderful things – including being a grandmother before a mother (still trying to wrap my dense mind around that !)


  10. Pingback: Academy Award of the Blogosphere: The Liebster Award « Positive Parental Participation

  11. that is *really* awesome that you interviewed barbara walters – what a great memory it must be for you. wow – did you get a photo with her? apparently she’s vying to conduct the first pippa middleton interview – hope she wins out!


    • Thank you for commenting. Remember it so clearly. She wore a beautiful belted rose/pink knit dress, and a brown pair of suede boots. Her hair was very dark then, and I thought she was young. Was so shocked when I learned last year that she was 80, so that meant she was 40 yrs old when I interviewed her. Her daughter was around 5 yrs. Yes, somewhere in my albums I have a photo. She had just written her first book “How to Talk to Practically Anybody About Practically Anything,” and she wrote me such a lovely note. Still have that treasured book on my book shelf. We connected for some reason, and I got more of my questions answered than the other reporter. Of course being a budding journalist, I modeled my interview sytle after her. Back then she was our role model. LOL! I still hold her in great esteem. And, my bet is that Barbara could land the interview Pippa because of her close relationship with Diana. Oprah may be in the running too. It will be interesting to see. But, think Pippa marches to her own drumb beat and she may want someone more hip!


      • thanks for the detailed followed – you’re right: she looks incredible – such a great example of aging gracefully. (her, betty white, and, debbie reynolds – man those women are gorgeous!) yes – ‘word on the street’ is lady O and barbara are the main contenders. didn’t know that about her relationship with diana. she’ll just have to fork over more money (i think pippa is donating all the proceeds to charity). maybe a few of us followers can convince you to post a blog with that foto sone day (and please don’t wait until the lady passes because she might have another 20+ yrs to go!)


      • Would have to do some digging in the attic, I think. Ha, doesn’t surprise me that Barbara and Lady O are the main contenders. Hard to believe that the networks would pay, even if it goes to charity.


  12. I have now officially started following your blog. I thought I had once before but realize that I had been missing some posts here recently. Congrats on the Leibster award, you deserve it. I hope you have over two hundred followers and if you don’t then you should soon. 🙂


    • Thanks Clar, but I thought you were a member for some reason. I know I accidentally deleted my membership to Joanna’s blog once. It happens. People comment on my blog, but few join. I do have a lot of viewers looking all the time for specific books. Need to reach parent groups.


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